+ My personal portfolio website
I created this to give a brief introduction about myself.This is a virtual space dedicated to showcasing my skills, accomplishments, and creative endeavors. Here, you will find a collection of my best work and projects across various disciplines.
-Portfolio Link

+ Ceylon Tea Cloud
This is a cloud-based service platform which will be implemented to make the connection comfortable between the tea fatories in Sri Lanka and their growers. - This service will avoid current occuring challenges in the traditional system and will make ease of use. - The main deliverables of this project are, generating monthly reports and sending to the corresponding grower generating requesting letters (loans, fertilizer, tea packets etc.) and sending to the factory admins sending notifications about pending and confirmed requesting letters etc.
-Github Link

+ Chatchops
This is a web-based chat application developing by using Ratchet. -Followings are the features that we are going to add. * User registration and login, google login * Sending friend requests to other users * Add or remove friends * Private chatting with friends * Private group chats * Public chat rooms * Admin dashboard to analyze reports and so on.

-Github Link